Syllabus – Client workout and program design
1. Introduction
Module Client Workout and Program Design is one of the most, if not the most important insight of being great personal trainer and build good and honest relationship with our clients.
At the beginning of any relationship there is moments of uncertainty and mutual doubts. This is the case with the fitness journey with our clients as well. First weeks of working with the clients can be crucial because in the first few weeks’ clients will decide whether they’re going to buy into the program or start looking for something else. This period is crucial to ensure that client chooses your program and your guidance in their journey of reaching the personal goals. It’s key to find a balance of providing clients with both challenges and successes that will keep them motivated to go the distance with your program.
Your clients’ successful achievement of their goals hinges on your ability to make the crucial decisions of what to work on, how often to work on it, and how hard. After all, the body only adapts to the physical demands we place on it; not our intentions but our actions determine whether we achieve the desired result.
Leadership, communication and organization can make great difference during the training process but without essential knowledge of program design it is extremely hard to present your ideas to the client. These skills must be learned through study and honed through conscious effort.
2. Objective
The objective of this module is to offer the opportunity for future fitness professionals to recognize the importance of putting ourselves in a brand-new client’s shoes. True fitness professionals are the one who are able to recognize the needs of their clients, what they expect, if they are afraid of falling and apprehensive about feeling judged.
This module will be offering some of the most important principles of creating the great and most suitable program for future clients. During this module we’ll explore the steps of designing the best workout programs for your clients. Whether you specialize in online training or work exclusively with in-person clients, these tips will help you upgrade the effectiveness of your programs and your clients’ results.
The module will cover some basic steps to ensure that you have the best possible communication and create great workout programs like:
- What is your client goal?
- What is their personal fitness history?
- How you can involve the training into their life?
- What is the proper analysis to be aware perfectly of your client needs?
- How to motivate them?
- How to setup goals and follow them efficiently?
The module also follows three clear rules of program design such as specificity, simplicity and progressive overload.
3. Content
- Exercise Psychology, Goal Setting, Motivation
- Periodization
- Principles of Test Selection and Administration
- Program Design for Resistance Training
- Program Design for Plyometric Training
- Program Design for Speed and Agility Training
- Program Design for Aerobic Endurance Training
- Program Design for Special Populations
- Program Design for Group Training
4.Useful Links
- Personal Training Program Design for Beginner Clients | The PTDC
- How To Build Your Own Workout Routine (Plans & Exercises) | Nerd Fitness
- Fitness Program Design for the Average Client | ACE (
- 30 Minute Workout Programs for Busy Clients – NASM
- Design, Execute and Modify a Program for Your Client – IDEA Health & Fitness Association (
- Practical Program Design Mastery – Strength Zone Training
- Personal Training Workout Routines for Clients | live strong
- 4 Ways to Train Clients Online: Do You Need Personal Training Software? – The TotalCoaching Blog
- Tim Henriques – “All About Program Design: A Step By Step Guide to Creating the Ideal Workout
- NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training: 6th Edition
- American Council on Exercise Personal Trainer Manual
- Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning by National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)
Course Features
- Lectures 9
- Quizzes 1
- Duration 3 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 89
- Assessments Yes